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The HTTP Archive, a resource that crawls websites and records detailed information about them, as well as the resources and platforms supporting them, recently revealed that the average page size for the top one million sites is around 1,400 KB. Over the past ten years, this figure has steadily increased—in part, due to the wide-ranging, rich, and high-impact multimedia experiences delivered over the web.

Media-ManagerAccordingly, RubyLaw clients have continued to expand the depth and breadth of their respective media libraries to provide their clients with more immersive, engaging website experiences. 

In order to accommodate new requirements, and to enhance the experience of managing multimedia files, RubyLaw has evolved its Media Manager feature. The new RubyLaw Media Manager comes replete with:
—A faster, more modern interface
—Optimized video render types for webinars and other uses
—Enhanced support for new image render types, including scaling, smart cropping, and resizing
—Support for newer image and video formats, e.g., webp, m4v, and others
—Support for uploading very large assets, i.e., 200 MB+
—Additional image metadata aids categorization, search, and placement
—More robust media previews
—Improved API access to media assets
—Media integration with RubyLaw Spaces

Clients with RubyLaw version 12 and higher can avail of the new, RubyLaw Media Manager.

If you’re interested in learning more about about the new RubyLaw Media Manager, or the benefits of upgrading to the most current version of RubyLaw, please contact your RubyLaw representative, our Support team, or attend an upcoming session of RubyLaw Live.

Join us for RubyLaw Live: This Thursday!

RubyLaw Live is a recurring, interactive Q&A session, hosted by the RubyLaw team. The next session is happening this Thursday, October 22 at 4:30 pm ET. It’s complimentary to all RubyLaw clients, and requires only that you sign up

If you have a question about RubyLaw, or simply want to learn about other challenges legal marketers and RubyLaw users are facing, please register!

RubyApps DevCamp: Coming up November 12-13

RubyApps DevCamp is an immersive, interactive digital experience featuring guest speakers, team member presentations, live demonstrations, engaging discussions, networking, and more!

If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so today! (It takes less than 1 minute.)

165 Broadway, Suite 2301
New York, NY 10006

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